Age: 40
Personal Info: Married to my best friend and biggest fan, Chris, for 16+ years
Mom to 4 awesome kids: Luke, Hannah, Benjamin, and Rebekah
Occupation: I'm a mom to 4 kids - that IS my occupation! We also homeschool
which consumes my time and energy (and sometimes my mind).
Prior Races: None, nada. Does chasing after the toddler count as a race?
Scheduled Races: 5k - April 17, 2010; 10k - June 19, 2010; Marathon -
November 13, 2010 (We'll see about that last one.)
Jeff Martin
Age: 35
Personal Info: Married to the most amazing woman in the world, Cheri; dad to
three lovely daughters - Lauren, Paige, Camryn - and a baby boy, Anderson
Occupation: I work at Unum and AV Extraordinaire at Middle Valley Baptist
Prior Races: Used to race Mark in Elementary School
Scheduled Races: 5k - April 17, 2010; 10k - June 19, 2010; Marathon -
November 13, 2010
Chrystal Murphy
Age: 28
Personal Info: Married to Mike for 8 years, mom to Mikayla (2 years old)
Occupation: full-time mom
Prior Races: ZERO as of March 2010
Races Scheduled: 5k - April 17, 2010; 10k - June 19, 2010; Marathon -
November 13, 2010
Mike Murphy
Age: 28
Personal Info: Married to Chrystal (8 years), Mikayla's papa, and Bryan College
Occupation: Manager- Production and Fulfillment at Incentium
Prior Races: Usually to Krystal, Krispy Kreme, or McDonald's
Races Scheduled: 5k - April 17, 2010; 10k - June 19, 2010; Marathon -
November 13, 2010
Ryan Schorle
Age: 41
Personal Info: Married to my favorite girl, Vivian, for 21 years
Dad to two beautiful girls: Ashton and Anna-Meredith
Occupation: Production Control Manager MetalTek
Prior Races: JDF Walk for the Cure - April 2010
Scheduled Races: Pensacola Half Marathon - November 14, 2010
Vivian Schorle
Age: 43
Personal Info: Married to Ryan for 21 years, he has been my #1 person for
26 years
Mom to two girls: Ashton and Anna-Meredith, this is the job I always wanted
Occupation: Project Operations Manager at TVA by day then off to the job I
love of Mom
Prior Races: JDF Walk for the Cure - April 2010
Scheduled Races: Pensacola Half Marathon - November 14, 2010