

When I was in seventh grade my parents made me play basketball. I wasn't very good at basketball. I didn't mind the dribbling and passing and shooting (although my aim was terrible). But, I hated the running (ironically). Since playing basketball = lots of running AND I was terrible, I didn't really enjoy the sport.

I always started the games on the bench, but I was okay with that. The bench was safe. I knew what to do on the bench - follow the ball up and down the court and cheer for my team. I was good at cheering for my team. When my coach wanted to put in a sub I would literally pray he wouldn't send me into the game.

The court was very unsafe. I didn't have a clue about what to do on the court. In fact, I scored only one goal all season AND that one goal was...wait for it...in the other team's basket.

Needless to say, I didn't mind my time on the bench.

That was then...

Now, I don't really like being benched. Of course, I'm not playing ball, if I were I might feel differently. But I am running. I don't hate it anymore. But I'm benched nonetheless. Last week my leg started hurting. Then we ran the 5k on Saturday and I guess I made it worse. I haven't been able to run since. I went to the doctor and found out I have a bulging disk in my lower back and have to do some physical therapy to correct it.

It's not a running injury. I've had this issue before - I have an extra vertebra. It's weird, I know. It makes my lower back curve wrong and puts pressure on the nerve that runs down into my leg. It also makes the muscle that runs from my lower back down around my hip to my thigh tighten up - thus the pain.

Even though it wasn't caused by running, it is definitely is made worse by running. I don't like not being able to run. Mainly because someone had this insane idea to go from couch to marathon in about 8 months - I don't have time to sit out. Losing a whole week of training is a BIG deal. And, to make it worse, I'm not sure how much more time I'll be forced to lose before I can get back in the game. This makes me nervous.

But also, I've learned this week that I actually enjoy running. No, not the sweating and the nearly passing out. But I enjoy the benefits of running. Maybe "enjoy" is too strong, maybe I "appreciate" running. I feel better when I run. Since I've started running I've had very few headaches, and this week I've had one every day. I'm less tired when I run. I'm happier...and probably nicer when I run.

I haven't found that runner's high I've heard so much about, I still don't think it exists. But, I do miss it and am thankful my injury is temporary. I'm thankful I will run again...hopefully very soon.

Chrystal Murphy

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